Just Joseph In the Christmas Story

The character of Joseph in the Christmas story isn’t talked about much, and rightfully so. Faithful servants like he and Mary knew who the main character of the story was 👶 But if we look close, Joseph’s a great picture of godly man. The Bible says he was a “just man.” Not sure there’s a better thing to be said of a man. He was a man a few words. He let his actions speak for themselves. He lived a rugged life, working as a carpenter, he was what many would refer to as “a man’s man.”
Before the angel of the Lord had said anything to Joseph, and it looked like Mary had been unfaithful, Joseph had decided to keep it quiet and not bring any shame on her. I believe that’s because he loved her. Just because someone hurts you doesn’t mean you can’t want good for them. That’s part of that whole “just man” thing. He was willing to absorb more hurt so that she could absorb less. We need more men like Joseph. I need to be more like Joseph. More like Jesus.
Then, when the Angel told Joseph the insider info that the baby was from the Holy Spirit, and that he needed to keep his commitments to Mary, and name the baby “Jesus” (which means Savior), like a lot of stepdads, foster, and adoptive dads I know, he stepped into that responsibility with both feet. Joseph was obedient. Joseph wasn’t cloudy where God was clear. He wanted to do right by God and right by Mary and baby Jesus, regardless of how it reflected on him.
Getting to name the savior of the world was a pretty early reward for faithful obedience. Guarantee you he never regretted being obedient to God. We won’t either.
Joseph also proved to be a faithful protector. When the angel spoke to him again and told him the psycho, narcissistic Herod was trying to kill Jesus, Joseph up and moved his little family to Egypt. It was a foreign place for him and uncomfortable in many ways for all of them, but he wasn’t primarily concerned with familiarity and comfort. He was concerned being faithful to God and protecting his family.
A man ought to seek to protect his family from all kinds of threats. Physical, moral, emotional, theological, and many other threats. I know lots of guys who have left behind what they’ve worked hard to build, and moved their wife and kids to a new, unfamiliar place for the betterment of their family. I respect that. It’s Joseph-like. It’s Christlike. And as men we need to keep that mindset. Our world, our flesh and the devil tell men, you need to live for YOU. Make it more comfortable for YOU. Acquire wealth for YOU. But the real adventure for a man is found in giving, sacrificing, and protecting.
Every year at Christmas we get a fresh reminder of the truth that Jesus taught “It’s better to give than to recieve.” Joseph knew that truth and got to experience it. We can too.
Imagine if Joseph had chosen a different path, a path with less responsibility and more “freedom.” ….Nah. No way. Give me Joseph. Give me Jesus.
✍️ Roy Layman

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