The Eclipse — be small

🌖 I wanted to point something out about the eclipse before we get too far down the road from it. The day after it happened, I heard several people, including guys on Sports Talk Radio, say they became emotional while viewing the eclipse. People said it was moving and some even shed tears. Why do you think that is? It’s because the Universe put us in awe, and for a short time we felt small, in a good way. We are small. Creation is bigger. The Creator is wayyy bigger.

In Psalm 139 David gazed at the moon and stars and basically said “Who am I that you should think of me, Lord?” He was feeling small and just expressed genuine heartfelt humility. That’s what happened to many of us last Monday with the eclipse.

Here’s the thing though, even though something as remarkable as the recent eclipse is rare, the wonders of creation are not. Sunrises, sunsets, storms, sweet little babies, and scores of other beautiful things are around us all the time, and we seldom stop and notice. Why? We’re busy, hurried, distracted, looking at little screens. And what’s the result? We don’t feel small. We feel big. We feel like we’re in control. And that’s making us happy, right? NOT 😆. It makes worried, anxious, and depressed.

God made us with a need to be small. He’s got the job of being big, and He’s great at it.

Guys, I’m not saying more eclipses are the answer to all our problems 😅 I’m saying that being in awe of God is! And you and I don’t need to wait for an eclipse or a sunset to be in awe of God. We can set our minds on the cross and just think “Who am I that you’d love me so much? But you do, Lord.” And there we are. Small. Small in the best possible way. Quieted. Peaceful. Maybe emotional. Definitely confident. Definitely thankful. A lot of stuff we are trying to gain by tryin to be big, are ours if we’ll behold the Lord and go ahead and be small.

That’s all for now. Thanks for letting me share. 🙂

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